ATTN Columbia, MO!
Would you like to get leaner, stronger and more toned?

We're looking for 15 people who are ready to transform their life with our 
6 Week Kickstart Transformation Journey.
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Since 2013, we have helped thousands of people achieve their fitness goals, will you be next?
Our 6 Week Kickstart Transformation Jump Start Journey is designed to help you show up (fun & exciting workouts with great people), how to prepare and enjoy delicious healthy meals (that take 20 minutes or less to prepare) and accountability to get in the gym every, single week (despite having a busy schedule, our coaches our amazing!). 

So are you READY to take action?

Our 6 Week Kickstart Transformation Process
Our 3 Keys to Success!
In just one hour a day, three times per week working with a trainer, our proven world-class fitness program is designed to help you burn fat, increase lean muscle to build your dream body. Burn calories and have a ton of fun doing it! We have the most efficient and effective program to get you RESULTS!
We make nutrition SIMPLE and EASY. We deliver a custom meal plan with a grocery list and 45 days worth of quick easy to make breakfasts recipies, 45 mouth-watering lunches recipes and 45 delicious recipes. Get in and out of the grocery store in less than 20 minutes.
Each participant in the challenge has a personal accountability coach and support group that is accessible 24/7 while in the program. Each week we'll check in with you to see your progress, answer any questions and make sure you're on the right track.
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Still not sure? Check out Lydia's Journey!
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